Monday, October 5, 2009

Various of Ornomental Plants

garden with various trees and ornamental plants around the golden domed mosque of this magnificent

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Thursday, September 24, 2009

How to take care Adenium Ornamental Plants

Caring for ornamental plants such as Adenium requires three keys; patience, persistence, meticulousness. All types of Adenium highly dependent on good lighting and regular watering. They do need a shady area, but still good lighting should be there especially if they are grown in a greenhouse. Adenium will thrive if watered regularly, but you must be observant to know when this plant dormancy period.

Take care Adenium in phase of dormancy, it's for you to leave without water, because these plants are being "asleep". When do watering, do not you give too much water. Excess water can cause the collapse of the leaf Adenium. If you use a sprayer in watering, spray 3-4 times is enough. A good fertilizer is used to treat Adenium is a liquid fertilizer should be given at least 2 times a year.

Generally, all types of soil should be replaced Adenium and regulated it's roots once every two years. Even though in some specific variants that need replacement land more often, as in variant golden or diamond crown. Substitution of this land is important, to control the growth of mold or nests of small beetles that love to attack the root tubers and Adenium. Adenium are planted in small pots can reach 13 cm in height, with a diameter of 8 cm bulbs.

Activities exciting enough in treating Adenium is a time set of ramifications, especially if you own Adenium is a variant golden or diamond crown. One of the most common ways used to form the branching pattern is to use the wire and the help of sunlight. Branching to form a symmetrical, you only need a pot rolling, making the short branch to get the most sunlight, so long as the branch on the other side.

It is recommended to use gloves when handling Adenium, because the sap of Adenium contain toxins that can cause irritation to sensitive skin can also cause indigestion if not deliberately terminum.

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How to take care Aglaonema Flowers

Aglaonema plants are relatively easy to maintain. Fertilizer should be given to plant Aglaonema is manure, manure humus, compost, micro nutrients, inorganic fertilizers, hormones and fertilizers. 2 types of fertilizer latter is generally a slow fertilizer dust. We recommend that you give them any type of fertilizer in the 1 x 3 or 6 months. As for micro-nutrient elements, should be sprayed as many as 1 x each month.

To take care aglaonema roots, if you want, be given vitamin B1 of 1 x week. Giving the prime fertilizer made at the age of 2 months of seed growth. During the dry season, Aglaonema should be flushed regularly and routinely give fertilizer every week. Whereas in the rainy season, reduce the frequency of watering to 2 or 3 weeks. Replace media Aglaonema plant at least 1 x in a year. When pulled from the pot Aglaonema to replace the medium, hold the rod at the base Aglaonema firmly and tilt the pot to the medium deprived of Aglaonema.

Clean the roots and tubers from the rest of the media Aglaonema attached by immersion in water for a maximum of 30 minutes. How to replace a good media is to prepare the coated styrofoam pots or broken tiles or brick red at the bottom. Then, enter the new media to a high-thirds of the pot. Put Aglaonema on new media, right in the middle of the pot and then Hide the media until the pot filled. To condense the media in the pots, hit-hit side of the pot so that the media down by itself.

Avoid pressing the media surface by hand as this may damage the roots of Aglaonema. After a solid, give fertilizer dust and water slowly until quite wet. Aglaonema is a plant that is resistant to pests, so you need not worry favorite ornamental plant fungal infection. Aglaonema only take 4-5 months to grow big and optimal. At that age, you are able to quickly expand your Aglaonema.

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Friday, September 18, 2009

Beautiful Waterfall Garden

Urban life which is identical with the bustle and the high level of tension is one of the drivers of the emergence of the concept of house layout back to nature. The reason is, the desire for peace and relaxation after a day of activities to be an inevitable requirement.

One way is to use water element, as one of the basic elements used for the spatial concept. The water is believed to be peace element and through the rush of sound, the water became one of the ways the mind and soul therapy. Not only that, according to feng shui views, acceptable water also believed to bring success to the occupants.

Talking about the water element in the concept of home interior, there are three ways that can be done, ie waterfalls, fountains, fountain and aquarium fish.

Waterfalls of the house could be presented in a way put them on the wall and make a fish pond at the bottom. Make sure that the sound of water coming out is not too hard, because the elements of the desired peace is not achieved and it just makes the house more and more noisy. Also adjust the size of a large land with this artificial waterfall.

Stone elements, whether through painting techniques and materials used are identical to the making of this waterfall is one of the value added to thicken the natural impression of the house.

Meanwhile, water fountains and fountain is more useful to apply to the little house where the remaining land is not too much, though not closed may also be used to house a large area. Not only able to soothe the soul, the presence of the fountain in the corner of the room can also add to the elegance of your home, with forms and beautiful designs.

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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Selecting Jenmanii Seeds

With increasingly high prices of jenmanii seeds, proper attitudes need to be careful in buying seeds especially for his own collection. Because for many people is reckless in buying seeds, from cheap brushed, but do not know how to form and how much its parent. This regret has been experienced by many novice collectors who only believe in broker, without ever seeing its parent.

Often people see seeds two or three good-looking leaves and a round thick want to buy it, let alone the difference in price between five and ten thousand dollars compared to general price. Would want to buy in large quantities, because at this time to search very hard jenmanii seeds though prices are translucent hundreds of thousands to three leaves.

But after the age of seven months or seven out of leaves, seeds which used to be good, get out the original nature of the long stems of elongated leaves. If you have any regrets so usually, because it features jumbo Jenmanii giant eyebrows which must enter the category Jenmanii not good.

This jumbo Jenmanii parental many have, the price also not expensive like Jenmanii who have character, because it is considered normal Jenmanii. But for owners of this giant Jenmanii parent is able to benefit from a production machine. Because while the price of hundreds of thousands of translucent seeds each cob Jenmanii jumbo which has aged any could make thousands of seeds, which unlike Jenmanii have good character, relatively low seed production at most three to four hundred only.

A good parent is not necessarily a good result all the chicks, but in general most of the good produced seeds. Conversely if the parent is less good, certainly much less if its offspring is good.How its couldn't see its parent, because for many merchants who sell seed not from the results of parent itself but from someone else?

There are some important things to note, namely:

1. Thick leaf
Thick leaves are generally produced from a good parent, for example Cobra, mustard, Pagoda, Piton, Entong, Jackfruit leaves and so on. Even when adults do not have the character, a thick-leafed Jenmanii still have high economic value.

2. Prominent fiber
Fiber should be prominent. In three of four seed leaves, leaf fibers are usually visible. The bigger, the clearer the fiber. Because the fiber is one sign of a quality Jenmanii, the prominent fibrous Jenmanii have high economic value.

3. Leaf width
Choose a broad leaf, or broad-leaf seeds. Because most likely as adults will have the character, whether it be a bowl, or other Sweta. But it does not mean it leaves somewhat elongated ugly. Understandably, Jenmanii mutations frequently occur during adulthood. Then maybe all, Jenmanii which leaves ugly form turn into a character like Jenmanii jaipong, machetes or other.

Jenmanii are unique, small-to enter good teenagers, but adults sometimes appears before the original gene instead of the leaves turned ugly, and vice versa. It's probably like that rarely happens, but it never happened. Therefore, consider fiber and thickness, if a good fiber thick okay, although the leaf shape will change.

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Monday, March 30, 2009

Exotic Croton Leaves

Shapes and colors of exotic Croton leaves, making a single type of plant has the economic prospects in the future.

Currently, public attention lovers and collectors of ornamental plants were still on Anthurium. Money tens to hundreds of millions of dollars is not the issue for these types of ornamental plants. So, no wonder the scalpers and brokers are also plant species thrive like grass in the rainy season.

But, like a taste for clothes, any time is always changing. Similarly, plants. At one point it became a favorite plant communities, and at other times gave way to other ornamental plants. It also guided the traders of ornamental plants in offering wares. After Anthurium offer other types of plants, which he said has great prospects in the future. One type of offer is Puring, similar to tananam garden decoration.

Amdanih, one farmer in the center of ornamental plants ornamental plants Sawangan Depok, West Java, now secretly preparing dozens of croton plants. The same is also done by other farmers in the area.

Many Kinds

Croton or is Kodium Indonesia indemik plants. The species is most numerous in the eastern part of Indonesia. Initially, this plant is considered as a wild plant. Easily found in the cemetery, especially on old graves. The beauty of this plant is located on the exotic leaves. Both colors would also leaves plenty of variations.

Plants araliase Puring including family or woody plant species (berkambium) from shrubs to trees. Hundreds of species. Among the many types of it, the best known is Puring Kura, Candles, Chili, Chicken Feathers, Fire, Jet and Spagethi. Providing a form adapted to the leaves. Candles puring example, because the diameter of the wax-like leaves. Or Puring Chicken Feathers, feather-like leaves. Puring Kura Similarly, because the leaves are like the tortoise.

But not all names were based on leaf shape. There is also based on a cross or a place of origin of these Puring plant. Example Puring Malang, because this type of results obtained from crosses made in Malang, East Java. Similarly Oskar type, Kura, Ketapang, India, and Kura Thailand.

Croton plant which is used as a component manufacturing park. Initially, this plant needs to follow the development of property business. "If the good development of the property world, the demand for croton also good. There the term, if the cement is sold then the Puring behavior, there can be no one to make a house without a pohonpun, "said Maritza added.

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Thursday, March 5, 2009

Apple Croton

This plant is in my backyard garden. In Indonesia, its called puring apel. As you see, its leafs look like apples.

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Saturday, February 28, 2009

Wave of Love

anthurium wave of love, its ever being popular in Indonesia. The prize become expensive & this plants become a high class plants.

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Sunday, January 18, 2009

Water Elements in the Garden House

Element water has a million meanings. What if the water wanted to be included as one element of home design?

Elements of water is often presented to sweeten the park, be it swimming or just water the plants. The presence of the rush of water, shadow ripples the pond, and the nimble movements of fish can create a cool and calm when we relax in the park.

Unfortunately, often the design and selection of appropriate elements of water or less in harmony with the park. As a result, the beauty of the park becomes less optimal, and then emerge feeling lazy to maintain it. Elements of water and then become dormant, dry, or dirty moss. And, no small cost to manufacture. Therefore, careful consideration needs before choosing and making the water element in the garden house. Here are some examples of the water element commonly used in home gardens.

Swimming Relief
This pool is "attached" to the same wall of natural stone wall. Usually made of chicken wire, rocks, and cement. The design was focused on the pool wall reliefs with stroke-stroke texture stone natural impression. Manufacturing cost is relatively expensive because it required specialized personnel with expertise, especially when equipped with a waterfall that requires a water pump.

Pool of this type is very suitable when the available land is relatively narrow, but provides a view of space that is wide enough so that relief can be enjoyed from the wall a short distance. For example, the park is located at the back of the narrow house, but can be enjoyed (viewed) from the living room / dining room.

Swimming can be made for the relief of indoor and outdoor parks. For indoor gardens, air circulation should be noted that the house is not humid, especially when decorated with a waterfall. For decorative plant small plants should be selected and fine-textured ferns hung like centipedes (Nephrolepis biserata), philodendron (Philodendron Sp), and buggy. Not recommended to plant woody plants and high trunked. When exposed to enough sunlight can also be used hanging flowering plants such as lantana (Lantana sellowiana) and orchids.

Lighting (lighting) which shone into the plant or on the wall of waterfall can view the beautiful shadow effects. For simple lighting, Lay toro (Japanese style stone lantern) at certain points.

Pond maintenance relatively easy relief. Dark color and coarse texture makes it easy to look dirty. However, the pool still needs to scrubbed and the water replaced regularly in order not to be a nest of mosquitoes.

Natural stone pond
Brief shape is similar to swimming relief, but minus the artificial wall. Made of stone slabs and cement. Impression of wild (not ordered) and natural pond alloys arise due to formation of rough stone and lush plants dangle. Natural stone pond mostly found in the park Bali, a tropical garden and Japanese garden.

Variations can be added to fountains or waterfalls and accent statue. In Balinese garden, a statue that is used is usually associated with mythology and folklore Bali like frogs, turtles, and monkeys. While the Japanese garden, accents and penciri is tsukubai toro (fountain bamboo pipes) and the dwarf trees of pine and rhododendron family.

Maintenance for the simplest of these ponds. Because the atmosphere is allowed to park memorable experience need not be cleaned too often. If there must be considered ornamental fish and water and air circulation with a pump. Natural stone pond should be placed in areas exposed to the sun.

If the land is relatively wide and contoured, this type of pool could be developed into a kind of miniature river (creek). If made as a river, should be considered a source of water and circulation. Since the flow far enough so the water will quickly run out, so that the natural water resources better. These ponds usually invite people to play water, especially small children, so that safety factors should be considered. Bottom of the pool should be made not slippery. Therefore, maintenance was a bit difficult because the have brushed regularly.

Square pond
His form of a rectangular swimming pool is decorated lips granite or marble tiles. Commonly used in Mediterranean gardens, Balinese gardens, and modern gardens.

In Balinese garden, plant used water is Salvinia (Pistia stratiotes). For a large enough pool of water plants can be used like a lotus (Nelumbo nucifera), stock (Thypa angustifolia), and water helikonia (Thalia dealbata). While the garden plants that can add to the beauty of the pond include frangipani Japanese (Adenium coetanum), ornamental bananas (Heliconia Sp.), Croton (Codeaum variegatum), and bali pandan (Pandanus Tectona).

In the modern and Mediterranean gardens, ponds are usually rectangular function as a Reflecting Pool and the focal point. The bottom is often decorated with coral brushes, ceramic mosaic pattern, and even coins. It acts as a focal point, lighting in the pool. If the mirror coated in a pond, the pond will be memorable shower of light. The most widely used plants are succulent shades of desert plants such as sikas (Cycas revoluta), palm short, siklok (aloe agave), yucca (Yucca gloriosa), and cactus.

Maintenance and creation of this pool quite expensive. Should always be regularly drained and cleaned so that no moss. Raw granite and marble are also quite expensive. Can be used as an alternative to ceramics, andesite stone, or stone temple.

Swimming Pancur
Shower is a swimming pool containing water from the shower attached to the wall. Its size is usually small and made of concrete. This pool is usually adorned European gardens, where water from gargoyles memancur (gutter) the shape of lion heads. This pool is very suitable for small area because it can paired with garden style. Can also be a pool of origin wudlu water hygiene is maintained.

Making the pool shower was difficult because they have to create a new water network in the least cost tembok.Mahal depending on the pump and the selection of materials (granite, marble, or concrete). For treatment, the pond needs regular brushing.

Fountain Swimming
Pool is circular with a fountain in the middle. Large surface placed on the ground, and made of concrete. Small and "legs" are sold in the form of "so" of fiberglass or ceramic materials. Maintenance is relatively difficult due to periodically cleaned and dried.

Large pond, complete matching European gardens, modern gardens, and parks Islam. Third-style formal garden is symmetrical, ie the composition of plants over the four corners. Swimming is usually decorated with detailed ornemental and placed in the middle of the park as a focal point.

Lighting focuses on a detailed fountain or pond in order to create interesting shadows. Do not place a high garden lights near the pool so as not to snatch the attention.

Plants that are used are usually fine textured and trimmed. For tall plants, select plants that are not dominant shapes and colors such as pandanus and Yuka, so there is a balance between the pond and suggested tanaman.Tidak water plants.

Water Plant in Pot
Contains a large pot of water plants or single plant can provide water in a garden accent. Lighting is focused on the flower or plant canopy may provide a different view.

Large pot-shaped terracotta urn was in accordance with the corner of the indoor garden of tropical or Balinese style. Crop water use varies from papyrus to the water hyacinth (Eichornia crassipes). Can be combined with statues of animals and plants used. When using water plants like lotus flowers, the sun should be enough available to be flowering plants.

Pot white color / light and the legs can be used for formal composition, such as the European-style gardens. Crop water used should be small as Salvinia. As for the Japanese garden, the pot should be placed as a focal point. Combine with the hard elements such as bamboo and coral littered with interesting composition.

Plant maintenance is easy because they do not need to be cleaned or dried. But keep in mind clean so as not to become a nest of mosquitoes.

In design, some types of ponds can be combined so that a unique memorable such as swimming relief, natural and integrated mini river in a large park area, or pond fountain shaped natural stone. Complementary elements can also be mixed-match as you wish and imagination. Happy creating!

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